Join Emily Kitching of The Eclectic Horseman for a visit with Melanie Smith Taylor about her book “Riding with Life – Lessons from the Horse” written with Jamie Caton. Melanie is a renowned horsewoman and Olympic gold medalist who still teaches...
Watch Melanie’s color commentary of the 2023 Kentucky Three-Day Event on NBC this Saturday May 13th beginning at 1:30 PM Central Time!
Wildwood Farm hosted another Ida Hammer equine hoof clinic but this time Ida collaborated with osteopath and bodyworker Deb Davies. Together they presented lots of information on the hoof/body connection and compensation effects on the horse when one or the other is...
Noah and I are teaching together There’s nothing like working with the best in their field no matter what their particular interest is! I spent the first two weekends of November teaching horsemanship clinics with my friends Noah Cornish and Alicia Landman, who have...
Wildwood hosted a second Ida Hammer equine hoof clinic this past weekend. Ida is a well known barefoot trimmer but also educates everyone on the whole horse. Following the success of the Gold Medal Swedish Show Jumping Team at the recent Tokyo Olympics where two of...