Lindsay Yinger, Otterbein coach, Jeff and Megyn, riding team members flanking me, Kari Briggs, Business manager
I just returned from the “Core” clinic for IEA members at Otterbein University near Columbus, Ohio given in conjunction with the USHJA. I was the lead instructor along with Lindsay Yinger and Kari Briggs who taught the educational seminars. I instructed four groups each of the two days who rotated through the various sessions. The students – from North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Ohio – ranged in age from 12 to18 and were joined by several Otterbein Equestrian Team members.
I also had the opportunity to meet the co-founders of the IEA, Myron Leff and Roxane Durant, along with Stephanie Keough who manages the National Finals. I was very impressed with this terrific group of leaders who have put so much time and effort into furthering the riding education of these high school students. The IEA program is the perfect launching pad for high school students who want to achieve success in the IHSA college program.
I thoroughly enjoyed teaching these eager and talented students and wish the IEA program all the best for the future.